
Join Us in Budapest!
Heatwitse consortium meeting

September 3, 2024

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming meetup in the beautiful city of Budapest, hosted by HEATWISE‘s coordinator, H1 Systems LLC. This event is a unique opportunity to connect, collaborate, and contribute to our shared goals and interests.

OFAS is representing one of the key pilots and application sites

August 30, 2024

As Türkiye’s leading automobile producer, TOFAS is representing one of the key pilots and application sites for the HEATWISE project.

As part of an ongoing commitment to energy efficiency, TOFAS will be testing innovative technologies in their Bursa data center, this includes installing a Heat Recovery Unit in one of TOFAS’ server cabinets to capture excess heat and repurpose it for building use.

Together we are driving sustainability forward in the data center industry!

Tofaş held internal information sessions

August 15, 2024

As one of HEATWISE’s key pilot cases, Tofaş held internal information sessions to keep Turkey’s future talents informed and engaged.

University students, who are currently interning with the Information and Communication Technologies Directorate, had the opportunity to learn more about the HEATWISE project. These sessions provided a platform for them to ask questions and gain insights into how Tofaş and the HEATWISE consortium are contributing to sustainable energy solutions.

Ongoing work

July 30, 2024

HEATWISE’s WP3 (led by @BUILD – Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø at @Aalborg Universitet) is continuing the strong momentum from the previous deliverable, with the focus now shifting towards compiling a comprehensive dataset for the two living lab pilot buildings of @EMPA and @Aalborg Universitet pilots in task 3.1, as well as identifying the KPIs necessary for assessing the waste heat utilization in task 3.3.


Analysing the potential of using waste heat, generated in data centers, in buildings.

July 15, 2024

We are excited to share that the first deliverable of HEATWISEs WP3 has been finalized and submitted to the European Union for approval.

This deliverable has been led by @BUILD – Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø at @Aalborg Universitet, and has focused on analysing the potential for using waste heat in the four pilot buildings of @Tofas, @EMPA, @PSNC, and @Aalborg Universitet.

The main conclusion was that many of the pilots had significant potential for covering the buildings’ heating energy need using the waste heat (up to 80% of the total heating energy need) but that the potential is highly dependent on the temperature of the hot water supplied from the data center and the point in the building where it is supplied.


12th International Workshop on Energy-Efficient Data Centres

July 4, 2024

Last month, our colleagues at @PSNC had the great opportunity to present HEATWISE at the 12th International Workshop on Energy-Efficient Data Centres (E2DC2024) co-located with the e-Energy 2024 conference, held on June 4, in Singapore. 

Wojciech Szeliga summarised the main goals and approach of the project, as well as explained the work conducted within Heatwise on simulations of DCs in a presentation titled: Automation of data center airflow and heat transfer analysis for a transient scenario.

During the workshop, around 30 experts from all over the world engaged in an in-depth discussion on how to make data centers more sustainable and improve their integration into the whole energy ecosystem.

Developing integrated, multi-objective energy management systems

June 28, 2024

We are excited to share the progress on the HEATWISE WP7 on developing integrated, multi-objective energy management systems led by @ Urban Energy Systems Laboratory at @Empa, Switzerland.

Objectives of WP7: Designing a novel, integrated, multi-objective energy management system for waste heat utilization in power-intensive IT systems and their host buildings.

Ongoing activities:

  • Define key performance indicators (KPIs
  • Energy management system design
  • Optimal control strategies
  • Guidelines and recommendations

Our research aims to optimize costs, reduce emissions, and enhance comfort by leveraging waste heat from data centre.

HEATWISE Empa pilot covered in Swiss national television SRF

June 17, 2024

On 31st May 2024, the HEATWISE project’s Empa pilot was broadcast on the Swiss national television SRF. It was covered in the innovative ideas section ‘Die Idee’ of its famous SRF 10 vor 10 program. The video featured our partners at Urban Energy System Lab, Empa: Binod Koirala and Philipp Heer. You can watch the video here in this link

During the HEATWISE project, the Empa pilot will be retrofitted with Zutacore’s on-chip dielectric liquid cooling system. We will demonstrate waste heat recovery at 70°C, which is suitable for hot water applications. The pilot set-up will be ready by the end of October 2024.

Simulating Waste Heat Recovery in the Pilot Data Center

May 30, 2024


D&S Tech developed an open-source Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) thermal model for simulating waste heat recovery from a data center. This innovative model will allow us to: predict water temperature, quantify energy recovery, accurate waste heat recovery simulation, optimize data center and enhance sustainability.

AARMA conference (Budapest, Hungary)

May 23, 2024


H1 Systems LLC took the stage as a speaker at AARMA, Hungary’s top infrastructure and real estate conference in Budapest. As digitalization continues to reshape industries, the number and capacity of IT systems within buildings are on the rise, leading to significant heat emissions.  At the conference, H1S provided insights into the HEATWISE project, which aims to test and implement a game-changing direct liquid-cooling solution for IT hardware.

Thermal Model for the Pilot Data Center at Aalborg University

May 14, 2024


Data centers constitute close to 3% of EU electricity demand. The rating scheme recently adopted by the EU promotes efficiency developments in data centers. In the HEATWISE project, D&S Techs developed a detailed thermal model of the pilot data center at Aalborg University using the open-source CFD. This model allows us to perform in-depth thermal simulations, revealing key areas for improvement of the data center’s cooling efficiency. 

Enriching partnership at the Data Center World conference in London

April 29, 2024


As the project coordinator, strengthening relationships within the HEATWISE consortium is a top priority for H1 Systems LLC in 2024. In the first quarter, they took proactive steps as consortium leader and technology integrator to enhance collaboration. In February, at the H1 Meetup focused on data centers, H1S hosted Tor Björn Minde from RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, solidifying their partnership with this esteemed Swedish Research Institute.

Article: Computers heat buildings ( EMPA)

April 11, 2024


The article from Swiss partner, Empa, about our collaborative journey in the HEATWISE project. EMPA’s pioneering research efforts and the NEST pilot plant are pivotal to our mission of optimizing energy use and waste heat recovery while advancing sustainable technologies.

Read the full article below and discover how international collaboration is fueling innovation in energy efficiency.

Project kick-off meeting

March 19-20, 2024

The Horizon Europe project, Holistic Energy Management and Thermal Waste Integrated System for Energy Optimization (HEATWISE) celebrated its kick-off in Aalborg, Denmark, on March 19-20, 2024. This pioneering €4.5 million initiative, co- funded by the European Union and the Swiss Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI), marks a significant step towards revolutionizing energy efficiency and waste heat recovery in data centers and tertiary buildings across Europe.

Project launch

January 01, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that our consortium has successfully finalized the signing of the grant agreement for our groundbreaking €4,5M project under the Horizon Europe program, co-funded by the European Union (CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) and the Swiss Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI).